Sensory Integration Therapy
Creating Connections that Last a Lifetime
Connect is an Independent Occupational Therapy Service specialising in Sensory Integration Therapy to underpin service delivery.
We can assess and treat children and young people aged 0-25 years across the Yorkshire region. We can receive referrals from parents, carers, school, General Practitioners, Social Workers, Psychologists and any other professional such as Physiotherapist with the consent of the parent/carers.
We believe that by providing the most appropriate support to meet the identified needs and making positive changes in childhood can impact on the child/young person for the rest of their lives.
Ayres Sensory Integration Therapy
Sensory Integration organises sensation from one’s own body and from the environment and makes it possible to use the body effectively within the environment.
The Connect Assessment Process
A free 30 minute consultation will firstly be completed to develop an understanding of your child’s needs and whether an assessment would be appropriate.
EHC Plan
Parents and supporting staff will be upskilled in approaches which will support the child’s sensory processing needs within the home and school environment.
We remove barriers for young people with sensory difficulties through long-term multi-disciplinary therapies because everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their potential.
Difficulties can occur when this complex system does not receive, process or integrate the information from the body and environment effectively. Sometimes there is not enough or there is too much information and this impacts on the individual’s response to the sensory input. Difficulties with sensory processing may impact on a child’s ability to perform a variety of tasks.
What our clients say
Well today is B’s first day at High School and he is wearing a shirt and tie! This would never have been possible without your help and support over the years, the work you have done with B has been life changing for us both. I never in a million years thought this would be my boy on his first day at school…You are a Star.
We have enjoyed all the sessions we had and learned a lot of ways to improve muscle tone and behaviour through the training. The recommendations have been put in place in home and school and have been working well. Thank you for the support, it has helped so much.
The sessions were always looked forward to by myself and my son. The recommendations were taken on at home and school which are working well. Scarlett was fantastic, she has a natural personality and has a very good way with children. J has found the sessions fun and has worked well with Scarlett. This has helped us to deal with issues and problems with his behaviour in a more positive way at home and school. Thank you.
Therapist was absolutely amazing, really knowledgeable and explained everything to me. It was lifechanging to me as a parent, nothing was too much trouble and I learnt so much.
My child really enjoyed coming to sessions. Therapy was life changing for my child. Therapist always made my child feel comfortable.
I recommend it to everyone. It is well worth the money.
Connect have gone over and above expected
Connect have engaged my children very well and both children have enjoyed therapy and not seen as it as a chore.
Therapist was fantastic, especially in times when we had no other support.
Therapist created a bond with my child, which is something my child usually struggles with.
Therapist was very friendly.
Therapist helped Z at school. Z was labelled as a difficult child by school, but therapist was able to support my child through school.
Therapist was able to give knowledgeable advice around special education.