EHC Plan

A broader and deeper understanding of the young person

The Occupational Therapy Assessments aim to gain a broader and deeper understanding of the young person and their current needs, and the associated functional challenges.

Recommendations in relation to what support may be required to meet these needs.

The contents and recommendations of this report can be used to inform the contents of an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) assessment process.


Our therapists can prepare highly detailed Occupational Therapy Assessments using an Ayres Sensory Integration approach for Tibunals. Our therapists can represent parents or Local Authorities at Tribunal hearings, ensuring that the needs of the child and young person are at the centre of the assessment and recommendations.

Tribunal support includes assessment, review, liaison with solicitors if required, pre-hearing meetings with the representatives if required and pre-reading of the Tribunal Bundle.


Connect can deliver bespoke training packages in relation to Sensory Processing and Sensory Integration Therapy.

The focus of this training will be to upskill the parents or professionals in relation to sensory processing difficulties. The training package will include the theory of sensory integration and how it differs to other sensory approaches, how it impacts on function of daily living and practical activities and strategies which support sensory processing difficulties within the environment.

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