
Enabling the child to be successful and create adaptive responses

You can self-refer to our services. Referrals can also be completed the following professionals.

  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Educational Psychologists
  • SENCO’s
  • Clinical Psychologists
  • GP’s
  • Education, Health and Care Plan Co-ordinators
  • Other professionals can also refer

Note: Funding must be agreed before assessments can commence


Free 30 Minute Consultation

A free 30-minute consultation will firstly be completed with the therapist to develop an understanding of your child’s needs and whether an assessment would be appropriate.



A referral pack including Quote, Service Delivery Specification, Consents and Initial Occupational History will be sent to you. Once these have been returned including initial payment, the service will arrange the assessment.


Comprehensive Assessment

The therapist will provide a comprehensive assessment. This will include an Occupational History Interview, school and clinic environment assessment, including standardised assessment if appropriate. The focus of the assessment will be to identify any sensory processing difficulties and whether these difficulties are impacting on the referring problem.



A report will be prepared. The therapist will identify and communicate any recommendations which will enable the child to access the curriculum and functional activities to their optimum ability.  Recommendations may include advice, equipment, awareness training for parents/staff, programmes including a sensory diet or sensory motor group, termly monitoring or intervention.  The therapist may also refer to other services if required including; Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Psychologist and Paediatricians.

Get in touch